Manufacturing Process
The company uses raw Material from reputed suppliers from India and abroad. As per technical specification standard ASTM, Hot/ Cold finished materials are checked for quality as per test certificate and then send for manufacturing process.


Cold Pilgering process using full link die and tapper mandral.
To reduce the cross section by upto 90°A, because the process relies on large number of small forming steps.
Cold Pilgering are longitudinal cold rolling process that reduce the diameter and wall thickness of metal tube in one process step.
By cold Pilgering process surface finish achieved matter than cold drawing finish(Less than O.4 micron) and improved micro structure grain size.
Our pilgering can be are OD 12 to 73 mm and wall thickness 0.8 to 4 mm.

In cold drawing process raw material tubes are coated with some special chemical or applies some special lubricant oil.
The tubes are pulled through tungsten carbide die and hotting / fixed plug in side lhe tubes, resulting in reduced tube diameter and wall thickness corresponding increase in tube length.
Our capacity of drawing are OD 6 to 219 mm 6‹thickness are a.a to 12 mm.

Stainless Steel Pipe (welded) 10" NB to 36' NB. in schedule 5, Schedule 10, Schedule 20, Schedule 40 and also special wall thickness is formed on 800 M.T. Press Brakes Hydraulic Press in length upto 6 0 to 7.0 meters. This section produces S Pipes (welded) as per ASTM A - 358 by TIG welding and filler materials is used. The large diameter pipe is then sized & straightened to meet ovality.
and dimensional requirements of the applicable specifications Testing, according to specifications, is then performed by eitherX-ray or Hydrostatic method Final marking to size, grade & specifications is done pior to final visual inspection before ciespaich Chemical, Physical and Hydrostatic Testing are done regularly right from rawmaterial stage, in process till despatching of finished product.
After each process of manufacturing tubes & pipes are subjected to heat treatment in a continuous annealing furnace at the specified temperatures as per grade of materiels and followed by rapidly quenching as per the grade to prevent carbide formation.

Homogenous structure for optimum inter - granular corrosion resistance.
Removal of residual stresses developed during the cold process.
Improve ductiliy and softness for further process.
Transformation of weld and heat affected zone to homogenous austenitic structure.

We have bright annealing electric furnace which is run by protective atmosphere of cracked ammonia.
Brightness of the tubes largely depend upon atmosphere prevailing in side furnace, due point and Oxygencontent.
We have provide due point meteroxygen analyzer for measurement of dryness of crack ammonia and oxygen content.
Bybrightannealingtubes get excellent finish and uniform core properties in entire tube length.
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